Monday, August 9, 2010


So I've been skimming the tan foam and fines off my press for awhile, but never did a taste experiment to see the difference between a press that was left in tact, and one that was skimmed. So last week I did a blind taste test with five baristas from Kaldi's and one from Dunn Bros. I used Kaldi's Guatemala San Pedro, the reason I chose this coffee is because it is one I am very familiar with. I wanted to use a coffee that I knew the profile of, so that I could be sure I brewed the coffee exactly right, and so it would be easier to taste small differences in the brew methods.

I prepared both presses exactly the same: 18oz water, 30g coffee ground as coarse as possible. Combine in a press and stir the bloom after ~30 seconds, stir again at 4 minutes. One press I then covered and left alone, the other one was skimmed with a spoon taking out all the tan foam, gasses and fines from the top while trying not to remove any of the brew. I was honestly surprised at how different the brews were.

The press that was not skimmed was certainly more full bodied and a lot more earthy, with a muddied and slightly bitter aftertaste. Not surprisingly the skimmed press was much more clean and clear, with an increased sweetness. The blackberry acidity was more prevalent in the skimmed press and the aftertaste was pleasant, smooth and lingered on the palate. I think the most interesting thing we found was the skimmed press really built up to the finish. The coffee moved nicely through the palate and finished sweet, while the press that was not skimmed had a much more clouded finish that didn't leave the same desirable aftertaste.

I really suggest trying this at home, skimming your press will provide a much more enjoyable brew, and if you have any doubt just taste that tan stuff...eek!

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